Pediatric Potentials is the premier pediatric occupational therapy and physical therapy practice in Essex County, New Jersey. We are dedicated to providing the best occupational therapy and physical therapy care within an atmosphere of empathy and sensitivity. We accept children as they are, and help your child leap to new levels by promoting their development from "Can I?" to "I think I can" to "I know I can" through collaborative relationships with all those who touch their lives. Individualized treatments are performed in our fabulous, friendly and state-of-the art facility by NJ licensed therapists. With over 4,000 square feet of space, we offer clients a separate sensory motor gym, a gross motor gym and private treatment rooms. Further, many of our staff are trained by the SPD Foundation (sensory processing disorder). Wellness prorgrams, parent and teacher training are also available.
SN Pediatric Potentials, Inc. 154 S. Livingston Ave, Suite 204
Livingston, NJ 07039
Site designed by Jillian Kornsweig